Title: Riverscape - Author - Nick: jitspoe Name: Nathan Wulf E-mail: jitspoe@captured.com or akanathan@hargray.com Homepage: http://www.lockandload.com/jitspoe/ ---- Filenames: (12 files) riverscape1bk.pcx ... riverscape1up.tga Description: This is a sky map or "box" for Quake2 levels. You can use it by adding "sky" "riverscape1" to the worldspawn while building a map, or by typing "sky riverscape1" at the console while in quake2. Build time: About 4 hours. Render time: 1-2 hours total. Tools used: Terragen, Paint Shop Pro 5. ---- Legal stuff: Distribute this freely as there's no money involved, and you include this .txt file somewhere with it. If you wish to use it in something commercial, contact me about it.