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'. . -===================- * M A P - I N F O * -===================- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE : The Battle Royale Zentsuji Complex FILENAME : ahl_battleroyale.bsp AUTHOR : TJF ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE : First released as Private Beta -> August 2001 CURRENT RELEASE DATE : Public Beta -> 16 April 2002 GAME : Action Half-Life TYPE : All modes of play (including Single Player) EMAIL ADDRESS : TJF@TJFweb.com HOMEPAGE URL : http://maps.TJFweb.com -===================- * -> S T O R Y <- * -===================- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your friends are dead. Your family doesn't want you. You have nothing but bitter memories and open wounds. You're going to save thousands of Japanese school children. You're going to change Japan forever. You're going to show your country that by forcefully eliminating your problems, you will eventually be left with nothing. Your truck swerves to a halt outside the front gates of the BR Zentsuji school, the very place where BR was imagined. You get out, with nothing but your fists to fight with. Your school uniform is still stained with the blood of your best friend. You step through the gates. I will make a difference. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE PLAYER : Yes CO-OPERATIVE : Yes DEATHMATCH : Yes SUGGESTED PLAYER LOAD : Recommended 8+ DIFFICULTY SETTINGS : N/A NEW TEXTURES : Yes NEW SOUNDS : Yes CD TRACK # : N/A SECRET : A long, involved and rather disturbing secret exists... -=========================- * I N S T A L L A T I O N * -=========================- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Unzip the zip file you have downloaded. You should have already done so. 2. Open the folder you unzipped the files to - There should be a ReadMe.txt file and "action" folder. 3. Select the "action" folder and click COPY. 4. Browse to the base directory of your Half-Life folder -> The folder containing hl.exe 5. Click PASTE. 6. Overwrite all existing files. -> Single Player Mode: To play single player mode, open Action Half-Life by typing the following in Start Menu > RUN "X:\sierra\half-life\hl.exe" -console -game action +map ahl_battleroyale Please change X:\sierra\half-life\hl.exe to reflect the actual location of your hl.exe file. Alternatively you can open AHL and click console, then type "map ahl_battleroyale" in console. NOTE: You must access console from the MAIN MENU ONLY. -> Multiplayer Mode: Please follow the normal procedure for running an AHL server to play Multiplayer mode. -=========================- * C O N S T R U C T I O N * -=========================- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP BASE : Built from scratch. PREFABS USED : Fifties Couch models from Half-Life. EDITOR(S) USED : Worldcraft 3.3, Valve Hammer Editor 3.4, Quark 6.2c OTHER UTILITIES USED : Wally, Adobe Photoshop 6, Cool Edit 2000. KNOWN BUGS : None. COMPILE MACHINE : Intel Pentium 4 2ghz, 512mb RDRAM. BUILD TIME : Around 100 hours. COMPILE TIME : 1 hour. -=================- * U P G R A D E S * -=================- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a list of upgrades that will be available for this map: .loc file patch: * Will automatically show a player's location when they team say. (ETA: End of April 2002) Battle Royale Player Models: * Actual representations of characters in the movie. Will replace current teams with realistic alliances from the movie. (ETA: June - July 2002) Check http://maps.TJFweb.com for all upgrades and patches for AHL_BattleRoyale. -===========================- * O T H E R T J F M A P S * -===========================- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upcoming AHL maps: AHL_BattleRoyaleSecond - A map based on the island from the first and second movies. AHL_Hardboiled - The teahouse from John Woo's HK action movie, HardBoiled. AHL_MI2Island - The Biocyte storage facility from John Woo's Mission Impossible 2. AHL_Peru - A small picturesque Peruvian jungle with a stream running through it. http://maps.TJFweb.com: You can also find many many quality Counter-Strike novelty maps and download HL mapping tutorials. -===============- * C R E D I T S * -===============- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Textures: By TJF, Undule, (TERROR_HQ.wad), Remedy, and Valve. Music: Edison Chen, Nicholas Tse, Dragon Ash. Environment Map: London by Term. * Note: The black leather couch texture is taken from Hondo's AHL_5am and used on a new couch model by TJF in AHL_BattleRoyale. -===================- * C O P Y R I G H T * -===================- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Music sampled in this map is copyrighted by its respective studio. * "Battle Royale" is copyright TOEI Company Ltd (Japan). * Textures in this map are copyrighted by their respective creators. * The actual map is copyright TJF, 2002. No resources used in this map may be reproduced or redistributed from this map distribution without the permission of TJF. -===============- * L I C E N S E * -===============- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may freely use and distribute this map across any form of digital media if the following conditions are met: 1. The zip file this map was distributed in remains intact and unmodified. 2. The map filenames remain unmodified. 3. The map may not be decompiled or hacked without explicit permission from TJF. -===============- * S E C R E T * -===============- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are secrets in all AHL maps, correct? The secret in AHL_BattleRoyale has gradually grown over time. The original BR secret had to undergo drastic changes before it was even found out. A huge part of the secret and a rather impressive piece of HL scripting was removed after the end of 2001 as the secret involved a 747 airplane. The secret is now bigger than ever and waiting to be solved. Can you NOCLIP cheat? No, you must activate everything in sequence to get the big surprise at the end. If you interrupt the sequence you will break the secret. Can you spectator cheat? No, many things are invisible and will only become visible if you do the secret in sequence. You cannot possibly solve the secret in any of these modes. You will also encounter a rather nasty punishment if you try to cheat, by altering gravity, noclip cheating or spectator cheating. It is only possible to complete the secret in Deathmatch mode or Teamplay w/o Rounds. Hints? It can be unlocked... Somehow. Play AHL_BattleRoyale for a while. Eventually you'll notice a few things are out of place and you'll experiment. Hey, you might even be able to get in to the secret. You can't solve the end of the secret by yourself, and many of the earlier stages are very hard if you try them by yourself. ... I believe Hondo (of AHL_5AM and AHL_NoCredit) once said this: If you somehow manage to full complete the secret and get to the resurrection stage, drop me an email with the entire solution to the secret. Outline every little detail. You'll be famous and your name will be spammed everywhere. If you can complete resurrection... then... ? However if I find out that you've skipped something, you'll be doomed forever. -===========================- ? R E S U R R E C T I O N ? -===========================- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are several stages to the secret which require various modes of thinking to complete. Resurrection is the final stage. By the time you've enabled Resurrection you will have enabled the major part of the 'surprise'. However, if you can get into resurrection and complete it, you will be treated to something very, very nice. Y X X Z Z . ? -===========================- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -===========================- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only way to cheat death... is to kill it.