================================================================================= * LEVEL INFORMATION * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE : Block War for AHL FILENAME : ahl_blockwar.bsp AUTHOR : Hondo (Brian McClelland) DATE : March, 2001 GAME : Action Half-Life TYPE : Deathmatch/Teamplay EMAIL ADDRESS : Hondo@Telefragged.com HOMEPAGE URL : http://ahl.telefragged.com (for the mod, I have none) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LEVEL DESCRIPTION * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A large city map, with a gun store, hotel, parking garage, sewer, and stuff. Mostly by request did I bother converting my large ugly AQ2 map, but in the end I think it came out pretty nice and is a pleasing level overall. I made the hotel interior a little smaller, but it's still a large map. Besides that, the architecture is nearly exact in all places to the AQ2 version. Ammo is spread liberally around, though I myself can't remember where any of the M4 clips are. All weapons are in except the MSG90. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE PLAYER : No. CO-OPERATIVE : No. DEATHMATCH : Yes SUGGESTED PLAYER LOAD : Many DIFFICULTY SETTINGS : Not Applicable. NEW TEXTURES : Yes NEW SOUNDS : Yes CD TRACK # : 0 SECRET : Yes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONSTRUCTION * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP BASE : Block War for AQ2 PREFABS USED : Only my own EDITOR(S) USED : Worldcraft 2.1 OTHER UTILITIES USED : Wally, Photoshop KNOWN BUGS : None that I know of. COMPILE MACHINE : P-3 550, 128mb RAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OTHER RELEASED LEVELS BY THE AUTHOR * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION QUAKE II : Block War ACTION HALF-LIFE : 5 AM, Endless Rain, HDHouseV3, Cliff 2 Snow, No Credit --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CREDITS / SPECIAL THANKS * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Id Software, Valve Software, The A-Team, and everyone in the Action community. I can't remember where all the textures came from. I made them all, except the stucco ones, which are by Adam Smith and myself. Thanks to him and Rich Whitehouse for testing. Thanks to Zoner for his -sparse option in HLRAD so I can make things this horribly large. Song is Hydra by Dir en grey. ================================================================================= * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any use for this level besides simply playing it, then you should probably talk to me. If what you're doing will net you cash, then you MUST e-mail me or I will fly to your hometown and kill your entire extended family. Chances are, I will if you mail me at all. Don't modify this in any way, and any distribution of the level MUST contain this text file and all other files in their correct directory structure (in fact, please just use the .zip file this came in). Steal the textures freely, just credit me for any of them.