========================================================= AHL map: Rumble in the Bronx ========================================================= LEVEL INFORMATION _________________________________________________________________ NAME : ahl_ritb FILENAME : ahl_ritb.zip AUTHOR : Duion GAME : AHL EMAIL : Duion@freenet.de ICQ :77284475 _________________________________________________________________ NEW SOUNDS : Yes NEW TEXTURES : Yes _________________________________________________________________ CONSTRUCTION _________________________________________________________________ EDITOR USED : Worldcraft 3 UTILITIES USED : Wally KNOWN BUGS : no BUILDING TIME : very long COMPILE MACHINE : P3/450, 128mb RAM COMPILE TIME : 2 hours __________________________________________________________________ CREDITS __________________________________________________________________ The copcar is by Clav_9 (clay_9@hotmail.com) The cargotruck is by Yak_Fighter (YakFighter@aol.com) but i have edited it. I used 3 textures from hondo's nocredig.wad Thanks to Mloclam for the wad files.And sorry for all who i forgot. __________________________________________________________________ COPYRIGHT/PERMISSIONS __________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2001 Christian Femmer (Duion) You may not distribute this level unless you have the permission of the author and include this file with no modifications!.You may not modify this level.You may not use this level as a base to build other levels and you may not charge for this level without the authors permission.