================================================ Action Half-Life Credits ================================================ AHL : Suislide (models) Mr_Grim (code) Cail (code) Oddjob (player models) Srg. Science (Anaconda model) Raven (Sounds) Bartender (Not A Whole Lot) AHL Mappers : Ace12ga (HLcliff) Axel (CCity2) Comrade Wedge (Ticonderoga) CryptR (Actcity) David Harvey (Daydam) Donzella (Prison) Fragmaster (Fragdock) Gerbil! (Urban) hellspit (undergr2) Holy Goat (Actcity, Asylum2, Daydam) Hondo (5am) Pinapple, M.D. (Suburban) Rawhyde (Wikked3) SkUzZi (hostage2) SPECIAL THANKS!! TIGEReye and aaargh for providing me with reference models that saved me time when making the mp5k and beretta models. (sorry if your icq names aren't your actual nicks guys). Gooseman for his cooperation with the hand models. The Original A-Team (Cail, Pietro, Vain, Bartender) without whom none of this ever would have happened.