Title : Cliff 2 for AHL Date : September, 2000 Filename : Cliff2AHL Author : Ace12ga - original DOOManiac - conversion Hondo - final doings, waterfall, rock tex, this text. E-mail Address : Ace12ga@telefragged.com DOOManiac@mindless.com Hondo@telefragged.com Description : Ace's Cliff 2 for AQ2, converted for AHL. A low rocky area with usable cliff around it and a rock bridge overhead, and a waterfall. And a cable car. Additional Credits : Katarn@home.com for finding the rock texture. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Play Information * Single Player : Whatever. Deathmatch 2-4 : Yes, good. Deathmatch 5-16 : Fine. Deathmatch 17-100 : Gets crowded. Teamplay : Yes. New Sound : No. New Graphics : Yes. Rock tex, water tex (sort of). New music : No. * Construction * Base : Cliff2 by Ace12ga Build Time : Unknown! Compile Time : P3 550 / 128mb: about an hour or something. Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Known Bugs : Not a bug, but an effect of having to use the "additive" rendermode for the water: it looks almost like it glows. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Other Info * Textures are all included in the .bsp. * Distribution * Upload this wherever you want, just keep the ZIP intact. Contact one of us if you're going to do anything else with this map. If you're going to include this level in any kind of (free) collection, e-mail someone just so they know. Don't modify this in any way. Don't sell it. Don't include it free with something that is going to be sold. Have a nice time.