Clue, The First Action HalfLife Map.... Map Name: "Clue" File Name: "clue.bsp" Author: hurtmypony Email:, Deathmatch: Yes Teamplay: Yes Recommended Players: 4-8 No new textures No new sounds Prefab credits: Thanks to Martin Persson for the two beds Thanks to Manoj Plakal for the two crappers INSTALL INFORMATION: [edited by Holy Goat, 2nd Feb 2000] Just make sure the BSP file is copied into your action\ subdirectory. Then, make an electronic transfer of $200,000.00 in small, unmarked packets to my email account. I do hope you understand I am joking. Snailmail me the monetary equivalent in TV Dinners instead, but only if you feel like it. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I tried to make a map of extremes, creating an interior area where the short-ranged handcannon/stealth shoes combo would dominate, and an outside where the sniper rifle would be the king. I hope you like it. The nooks and crannies abundant in the level were designed to inspire utilization of cover, and staggered team movement. I tried to accomplish this and also limit camping by insuring no particular crevice was too "defendable", but hey, this is Action, a little camping is good for the blood. That's how the real-life baddies do it anyway. The "real" West was won by a lot more back-shooting than the glorified Time Life protrayals would have you believe... COPYRIGHT INFORMATION "Clue" is copyright 2000 by Tim Creevay. Love ya, babe. The text immediately following, however, was swiped from the "nightshift" readme: When distributing this map, this text file must be included in the package. No modifications, please. If you'd like to see changes or borrow elements, contact me first. This BSP may ONLY be FREELY distributed. It may not be included on any product for which a fee is charged, without first obtaining my written permission.