================================================================================= * LEVEL INFORMATION * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE : Endless Rain FILENAME : EndlRain.bsp AUTHOR : Hondo (Brian McClelland) DATE : July, 2000 GAME : Action Half-Life TYPE : Deathmatch/Teamplay EMAIL ADDRESS : Hondo@Telefragged.com HOMEPAGE URL : http://ahl.telefragged.com (for the mod, I have none) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LEVEL DESCRIPTION * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global warming and pollution have caused corrosive rain to fall 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Cities have been sealed off for health and convenience. You are in section 44, circa floor 90 of one of the city's massive, populated towers. The section is dominated by the local headquarters of Hondo-Co, a world conglomerate drug manufacturer who has just released their wonder-drug-in-a-can, R0X!! which is billed as "The Answer to ALL of Life's Problems!" (Hint: Don't drink the green flavor). The level contains a large corporate structure, surrounded by a cafeteria, a small sterile park room, a weapon shop, and a couple terrible apartments. And one horrible, horrible secret, if you can find it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE PLAYER : No. CO-OPERATIVE : No. DEATHMATCH : Yes! SUGGESTED PLAYER LOAD : Many, or few for paranoid searching. DIFFICULTY SETTINGS : Not Applicable. NEW TEXTURES : Yes (see credits) NEW SOUNDS : Yes (see credits) CD TRACK # : 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONSTRUCTION * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP BASE : None. PREFABS USED : None. EDITOR(S) USED : Worldcraft 2.1 OTHER UTILITIES USED : Wally, Photoshop, GoldWave sound editor KNOWN BUGS : None that I am aware of. COMPILE MACHINE : P-3 550, 128mb RAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OTHER RELEASED LEVELS BY THE AUTHOR * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION QUAKE II : Block War ACTION HALF-LIFE : 5 AM SCIENTIST HUNT : Most of them (Play this mod or Rich will slice his face off with a butter knife) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unzip this (with path recursing on) to your \Action directory. If somehow you can't, the .bsp goes in \maps, the .tga files go in \gfx\env, the sounds go into \sound\hondo2, and the sprite goes into \sprites. The .wad stays in \Action The secret really is very horrible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CREDITS / SPECIAL THANKS * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Id Software, Valve Software (they're still filthy, though), The A-Team, any mapper who ever made anything I liked. Textures are all by me, except a few. Some texturing and the nice environment map are by Adam Smith (Katarn@home.com). Raven of the A-Team did the good rain_window sound. The rest were stolen and looped by me. The sprite is from halflife.gamedesign.net's rain in HL tutorial thing, since I like it more than the AHL one and it's only 2k. Thanks to Adam Smith and Rich Whitehouse (TheFatal@Telefragged.com) for much help and testing and entertainment. Thanks to Zoner, whose updated compiling tools allowed me to get past many of my problems. Thanks to Holy Goat, whose map info format I stole, and for some periodic advice. ================================================================================= * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any use for this level besides simply playing it, then you should probably talk to me. If what you're doing will net you cash, then you MUST e-mail me or I will fly to your hometown and kill your entire extended family. Chances are, I will anyway. Don't modify this in any way, and any distribution of the level MUST contain this text file and all other files in their correct directory structure (in fact, please just use the .zip file this came in). If you want to steal any textures or sounds for whatever use you want, just mention me in the credits.