scramble.txt --------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION Title : Scramble Author : Unquenque Site : E-mail Address : Type : Single Player Half-Life Original Release Date : September 1, 2013 --------------------------------------------------------- STEAM INSTALLATION Unzip the scramble folder to steamapps\common\half-life. Restart Steam and Scramble will appear in the Games list. --------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION A very small Black Mesa style map with a bit of different gameplay than typical Half-Life maps. Collect all 5 Lambda Nuclei and reach the exit. Please do mind the headcrabs, they can be nasty. Tips: - The nuclei can be collected in any order. - Keep moving. - That said, take a moment now and then and look around if you have a vantage point. --------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR'S NOTES This map has a bit of a convoluted history. It was born over 10 years ago on the Valve ERC forums (or more accurately I believe their offshoot, the Off-Topic forums at Chatbear) as part of a collaborative Half-Life deathmatch map nicknamed Frankenstein 4 (this being the fourth map to be made in this fashion, though it'd have been my first). For this map there were 11 mappers, each assigned a section of the map, as seen in the top view picture here: Each mapper could make the map in whatever style they wanted, which was part of the charm and beauty of a project like this. The doorways in the picture were the fixed locations that connected the various sections together. Looking back at filestamps, I seem to have made and finished the original deathmatch section in a week flat, which is actually really fast for me even though it's a pretty small area. It was very Half-Lifey which I liked but looking at it now it's bog standard mapping and layout, and likely would have been horrendous in deathmatch. You see, we never got to play the assembled Frankenstein map since it wasn't possible to compile it. Apparently the group of us together had soared past most of the engine limits and the decision was unfortunately made to abandon the project rather than stripping down everyone's vision. A mere 10 years later, I was asked to supply a Half-Life map to help the Beta Testers Colelctive screen prospective testers. As one of the many forgotten maps and map fragments lingering from the old days on my hard drive, I chose it to submit as it was small but one of the more polished in terms of layout and looks. It was empty from a gameplay perspective, since it was designed for deathmatch but the BTC needed a single player map. So I took some gameplay ideas from another (so far unreleased) Half-Life mod I've been working on and implemented them in my former Frankenstein 4 map. Some modifications to the layout and lighting, and you're just about all caught up. It was useful to the BTC, and a couple months later I decided to release it for my own reasons. Overall this is a small map that will hopefully serve as a short diversion, and give you a decent challenge. --------------------------------------------------------- TOOLS Hammer 3.5 (honestly I still call it Worldcraft because I am like that) Vluzacn's Custom HL Compile tools: Wally Milkshape Jed's Half-Life Model Viewer Nem's Batch Compiler Photoshop CS5 --------------------------------------------------------- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to the Half-Life: Nightwatch guys for allowing me to use the nifty headcrab model - specifically, thanks to Andrew Weldon and Martin Badowsky. The menu background image draws from two pictures licensed under Creative Commons licenses. The first is a picture of the NS Savannah SCRAM panel by Acroterion - - used under the CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license - The second is a picture of the SCRAM button for the Experimental Breeder Reactor I near Arco, Idaho by Josh Hartnup ('ukslim') - - used under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license - As usual I owe thanks to the artists out there that make and distribute custom textures for use in the public domain. Specifically, thanks to these makers of the textures I used: - Kevin Roberts ('Relic25') - Marc Schroeder (Poke646) - Thanks to my beta testers Qwertyus and Ade from the Beta Testers Collective - And finally, thanks to Yesukai and the old crew at the Valve ERC forums, for the memories and the ideas, including the origin of this map which (un)fortunately never saw the light of day. --------------------------------------------------------- FINE PRINT This level may be distributed freely, as long as it is accompanied by this text file in the original zip package and due credit is given. If you have feedback, questions, or comments about this map please email me at the above address. Half-Life is a trademark of Valve Corporation.