Public-Enemy v1.4 particle system config file documentation by Spin ( (c)2004 - IronOak studios --- Default values are in the brackets. The faders are located in penemy/pe_faders.cfg pps x (1) // x = integer, spray x parts per secont num x (0) // x = integer or "dynamic", spray max x parts, if x == 0 the particle system must be limited by maxlife, if x == dynamic the amount is given by code. spd x (1) // x = float, particles move x units per second spr x () // x = string, loads the sprite x and uses it as the particle texture. Has to be set to a valid value. Ex: spr sprites/flame.spr maskspr x () // same as spr, but used as the sprite mask, brighter areas in the mask sprite will result in a more intense sprite color. Only used if mode is detailed detailspr x () // same as spr, but used as a detail texture rendered on top of the sprite. Only used if mode is detailed size x y (1 1) // x, y = float, defines the x and y size of one particle in units side x y z (0 0 0) // x, y, z = float, defines the deviation range on the given axis of the particle direction maxlife x (0) // x = integer or "dynamic", sets the max life time in seconds for the whole particle system. if x == 0 the particle system must be limited by num, if x == dynamic the lifetime is given by code. partlife x (1) // x = float, lifetime of a single particle colfader x (blood) // x = string, name of the fader used to fade the particle color sizefader x (null) // x = string, name of the fader used to fade the particle size mode x (transadd) // x = string, mode can be normal, detailed, transtex, glow, transalpha, transadd. detailed will use the mask and detail sprite. falloff x (none) // x = string, sets the fall of function of the particles, can be none, gravity, linear. relative x (not) // x = string, can be not, ent, att. If x == ent, the particle system will be relative to an entity specified in the code, if x == att, it will be relative to an attachment specified in the code. clip x (false) // x = boolean, if x == true the particles will be clipped against walls/entitys frames x (1) // x = integer, number of frames in the sprite fps x (1) // x = integer, frames per second calcangle x (false) // x = boolean, if x == true, the spray direction will be relative to the angle of the entity specified in the code (if relative is set to ent or att)