cs_dark_b1 (beta1) - Hostage Rescue (HELPME TO FIND A FINAL NAME : please mailme to tazus@caramail.com) ps : THIS IS A VERY EARLY VERSION JUST TO TEST PLAYABILITY & TO IMPROVE STRATEGY. By Tazus (tazus@caramail.com) helped by Thermik :)) (mag_mc@hotmail.com) Main textures extracted from RTCW, from other official maps and from 52hours Models by Teppic8 (teppic8@yahoo.com) & chuckles (chuckles@clanfist.com) modified by Storm (joffrey_@hotmail.com & www.hlshogun.multimania.com/pine) Please visit : www.tazuscsmaps.fr.st for updates & news www.ndproject.com for exoctic server Storyline: soon ! Terrorists: -Defend the hostages Counter-Terrorists: -Free the hostages in the church. Contexte : bientot! Terroristes : - Defendez les hostages Contre-Terroristes : - Liberez les hotage situés vers l'église.