cs_frostbite by: .HELLBRINGER. publick email: h_bringer2u@hotmail.com credit to: (tB) myself, map design and all other work (tB) lyndak, the downed chopper all the l337 mappers whos textures are present in the map CS players who maintain that it is a game. forward: in an attempt to retrieve political hostages, a counter-terrorist unit was flown in to take up strategic position across the lake. However, they came under tremendous sniper fire and the pilot was killed. Most survived due to the low altitude and the fresh snow; along with the skilled flight of the pilot. After a stand off lasting nearly a week and broken radio communication, the terrorist cell decided to take action. During a sudden offensive which left 3 wounded, the hostages were placed in the small ice shed near the center of the lake. Without food or heat they won't last long. That was yesterday. During the night plans were drawn up for an offensive to end this with minimal casualties. However, the fact remains the same, that ice shed is in the shadow of the terrorist’s windows, and cover is few and far between. Both sides will need a trained eye and a sharp wit if they are to win. ...dawn breaks...