cs_lcm - Hostage Rescue mapping by Small_Sumo thanks to wad makers who's wad's I used (they hunger was one) , and the maker of the truck (before I butchered it) and to anyone who ever put a tutorial on the net. contact Small_Sumo34@hotmail.com Counter-Terrorists: Terrorists have taken hostage's at Lara Croft Mine's workers at the slurrey division . Rescue them to the insertion point . Terrorists: Prevent the Counter- Terrorist team from rescuing the hostages. Tip: This map has revolutionised buggy maps in that the driver cannot be seen by the enemie's giveing him beter survival chances than ever before . Only the driver cannot shoot out the glass (he'll get hurt by a ricochet ) CT's be carefull leaveing the chopper and entering the pipe- line..........most of all have fun .