* PORTUGUES * Villagio - Resgate de Refens por Marcelo Goes (aka Manu Chao) (marcelogoes1985@hotmail.com) CTs: Infiltrem a casa controlada pelos terroristas e resgatem os refens, levando-os a salvo para a rua. Ts: Previnam a acao do time CT. Outras informacoes: Existem 3 refens na casa. (Aperte o botao de tiro para continuar) * ENGLISH * Villagio - Hostage Rescue by Marcelo Goes (aka Manu Chao) (marcelogoes1985@hotmail.com) Counter-Terrorists: Infiltrate the house controlled by the terrorists and rescue the hostages, bringing them safe and sound to the streets. Terrorists: Prevent Counter-Terrorist force from rescuing the hostages. Other Notes: There are 3 hostages in the house. (Press FIRE to continue)