de_airninja is a map made by tommy of escondido. Half-Life was created by Valve team Counterstrike Mod was created by Gooseman and Cliff WAD File credits: halflife.wad - by Valve team liquids.wad - by Valve team cstrike.wad - by Gooseman and Cliff cedit.wad - by Tommy14 << included in bsp hovercraft vehicle by BenTheKuno blimp, hang glider and para-sail by tommy of escondido mine background by Justin Fisher & Pete thanks to all the folks who advised me, the all the folks who make tutorials available on the web, and those who made/make the tools for mapping. instuctions to install: put all Wad files in the cstrike directory. put de_airninja.bsp and de_airninja.txt in the cstrike\maps directory. put all the TGA files and text files with it in the cstrike\gfx\env directory. put the WAV files in the cstrike\sound\ambience directory. if you have a server, put de_airninja.res where ever the server needs it. run cstrike and see if it all works. 30-30 end.