de_borg Map by AHA - Andrzej Hrycyk ( Po wieloletnich pracach archeologicznych, wkoncu udalo sie odnalesc w aztekowych ruinach przejscia do statku kosmicznego - szescianu BORG. Od zawsze podejrzewano, ze cywilizacja Aztekow miala kontakt z rasa z innej planety. Prawdopodobnie rozbil sie kiedys u nich szescian Borg i to wydazenie zmienilo losy Aztekow. Od tej pory czerpali oni wiele korzysci z kontaktu z inna rasa. Zbudowali swoje potazne imperium. W momencie kiedy trafiono na ukryty szescian Borg sluzby specjalne zaczely pilnowac znaleziska, bowiem do prasy trafily przecieki o tajemniczym znalezisku i rozne organizacje terorystyczne chca wykorzystac znalezione tam tajemnice by zbudowac na nowo swoje imperium tylko, ze tym razem ma to byc imperium terroru. Counter-Terrorists: Zabezpieczyc teren znaleziska. Nie dopuscic do kradziezy tajemniczych technologi, w szczegolnosci skladnikow aktywnych rdzeni. W przypadku kontaktu z terorystami wyeliminowac calkowicie aby nie dopuscic do "wycieku" tajemnicy. Terrorists: W przypadku zdemaskowania, zatrzec slady kradziezy poprzez wysadzenie rdzeni szescianu Borg, badz calkowicie wyeliminowac Sluzby Specjalne. ======================================================================== After many years of an archaeological work in Aztec ruins, we finally managed to find a passage to the space ship – “The BORG Cube”. It has always been assumed, that Aztec civilization had been in a contact with a race from different planet. Most probably, a BORG Cube, had crashed there one day and this event changed the Aztec fate. Since that time they had been taking many benefits from the contact with other race. The Aztec people had built their magnificent empire. No sooner than the BORG Cube has been found, the Special Service started to protect the discovery, in order to some leaks to the press about “the mysterious discovery”. Different terrorist organizations, now, wants to use the secrets found, to rebuild their empires, but this time, they’re supposed to be the empires of terror. Counter-Terrorists: To protect the area of discovery. Do not let mysterious technology to be stolen, especially active elements of the roots. In case of contact with the terrorist – eliminate them completely, in order not to let to the leakage of secrets. Terrorists: In case of being unmasked, to cover up trails of theft, by blowing off the roots of the BORG Cube, or by eliminating Special Service. (Press FIRE to continue)