Peredelka znamenitoy karty fy_iceworld sdelannoy |-DD-| CLAN. IA lish' neskol'ko izmenil ee. Byli izmeneny tekstury, ledianye kuby zameneny na domiki, dobavleno dva bombpleysa. V ostal'nom eto tot zhe iceworld :) Tak chto hvatayte pushku i vpered... Peredelkoy karty zanimalsia drunky_paulik ( textures FAN (; DaveJ ( ver. 1.2 Remake of a well-known map fy_iceworld made by |-DD-| CLAN. I have some changed it. Textures were changed, ice cubes are replaced with small houses,is added two bombplaces. In the rest it is the same iceworld:) So suffice a gun and go-go-go... Remake by drunky_paulik ( textures FAN (; DaveJ ( ver. 1.2