Mines - Bomb/Defuse Map by Tim Lockley AKA DecoY^ (Just_another_mistake@hotmail.com) Models By: Mobiltune Gurch Danmitch1 XenoN Story: A Terrorist Organisation believed to be inactive have recently taken over a U.N Outpost in the Mountains of Tunisia. A Counter-Terrorist force have been deployed and have located Biological weapons hidden deep in an old Coal Mine. To prevent the U.N from gaining evidence of their activites the Terroists have planned to collapse the Mines by placing a C4 charge in one of the two large caverns located in the upper levels of the mine. Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the Terrorists from bombing the Mines and destroying the evidence. Eliminate all Terrorists if possible. Terrorists: Destroy any evidence linking your organisation with Terrorism using the C4 provided. Eliminate all Counter-Terrorists who oppose you. Other Notes: There are two bombsites in this mission. (Press FIRE to continue)