de_mos_espa Bomb/defusion by [Kasperg] YUGO dedicated to all Kaspergs and CyberG@me La Tour ////////////////////////////////////////////////// The Boonta Eve race is due to begin soon. A group of Watto's, Sebulba´s and Darth Maul's friends don't want Anakin to win, and so they have decided to wreck his pod. If they don't succeed, they will at least blow up the Naboo starship to prevent him from leaving the planet. ____________________________________________________________________________ La clasica de Boonta esta a punto de comenzar. Los amigos de Watto, Sebulba y Darth Maul no quieren que Anakin gane la carrera, asi que pretenden destrozar su podracer. Si no lo consiguen, al menos destrozaran la nave espacial de Naboo, impidiendole salir de Tatooine /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// send comments to | votre avis ŕ } comentarios a |