---------------------------------------------------------------------- Nocturnal - Bomb Defusal ---------------------------------------------------------------------- By Deltron Z and Harley_Davidson_and ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Textures from: joesmoe_cm, smoe_cm2 & mattc3.wad ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Conter Terrorist: Standing gaurd againt an impending Terrorist assault. Must prevent the Terrorist force from bombing a Haz-Mat and Nucluar storage facility. Terrorist: Infilitrate the CT's defenses via multiple access points. Plant a small targeted explosive at one of two strategic locations, destroying the storage facility's major contents. Other Notes - This map has two bomb sites. Since the attack is taking place at night, night-vison and flashlights are key. Also, be sure of your targets...the darkness makes it difficult to determine your Teamates. And finally if you actually read this far.. the action and bomb sites are very close to the spawns, so this is a fast paced, high intensity map.... -----------------------------------------------------------------------