de_SainteOdile_beta3 Defuse By Tazus ( original idea, building & detail, textures. & D4Ms ( models, building improvements, textures. Some textures are from Valve Software Low polygon oak tree MKII by TOLCHOK ( THIS VERSION IS beta 3 VERSION OF de_SainteOdile and it is a replication of an real site : (or write "Mont Sainte Odile" in StoryLine : AAA (Alsatian Alcoolist Armed) Terrorist group has planed to destroy the "Mont Sainte-Odile" Terrorist : Destroy the "Mont Sainte Odile" a famous Alsatian (East of France) monastery from the VII th century. There are 2 sensible points on the rock where the monastery is built. Bombing one of these 2 point would destroy the entire monument. Counters : Stop the terrorist action. IMPORTANT NOTE : THESE FILES ARE THE ONLY PROPERTY OF THEIR AUTHOR, YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO DISTRIBUTE THEM ON YOUR WEBSITE OR ON OTHER PUBLIC SUPPORTS (Cd-Rom, Dvd-Rom...) WITHOUT THE ONLY STRICT AUTORIZATION OF THEIR AUTHORS.