de_yfad - a diffusion map by Josh Larsen (j!lted) ( Texture builds by blazeer Narrative by LaZaRuS The humble village of Yfadia was once a quiet and wholesome place to raise children, grow old and die (of natural causes). That is, until the porn industry moved in. Epster’s, a nude dancing/internet café and Pornology Shoppe, a company that provides low-cost, high-quality insect pornography, have become a blight in Yfadia’s conservative community. The Yfadian mayor, JP Ebury, patrons the shops and enjoys all the tax revenue that these two new business are creating for Yfadia. But some ultra-conservative residents deplore the stores and seek to scorch the businesses from the streets of Yfadia… Counter-Terrorist: You are the local SWAT team of Yfadia. The mayor has been warned that some Yfadians are planning to destroy some very important property. Protect the shops by preventing them from being destroyed. If they are, the mayor will lose out on more than just tax revenue: no more nude Counter-Striking… Terrorist: You are the religious right, trying to restore morality to the once pastoral village of Yfadia. Epster’s and Pornology Shoppe are dependent on each other to stay in business. Plant the bomb and make sure it goes off at either of the two sites to purge the ungodliness of Counter-Strike and nude things from Yfadia… (Press FIRE to continue)