D E L T A - F R E N Z Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mapped by Swot [swot2k@arcor.de] visit: http://www.swot.here.de ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Install: delta_frenzy.bsp and delta_frenzy.txt -> ...\valve\maps\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Something about this Map: There is not many to say, once I played the Map frenzy and i liked it! But I didn't like the light, and some other things, too. So I mapped the completely Map and changed the things I didn't like. When it was ready I played it and I thought: it's not bad, but something is missing. I didn't know what it was, but it would be something "clever". I thought: "the idea of snark_pit" is not bad, but this gag must be repeatable". So I worked on it, and after 2 hours i had a resolution for it. And here you see the result. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So have fun!