The Mega ThunderBreaker Mansion (Thunderbreaker Episode 2) - Unknown The Great Mansion of ThunderBreaker The Mansion of Death 116 players unknown map By Unknown MAN( ( New features: Trees in the garden, great ladders, skies, more places, a little water, doors. Bugs: No lights and errors while compiling the map. All team. Prepare to kill anyone on the mansion and the mountains... Counter-Terrorist: Kill all Terrorist and rescue all hostages. Watch out for Terrorist. Prevent the Terrorist from bomb the mountain. Terrorist: Kill all Counter-Terrorist and bomb the mountain. Anyone in the tower should use snipers and kill the Counter-Terrorist. Other notes: The bomb target is at the top of the mountains (or in the spawn place of the Counter-Terrorist site) while the hostage rescue place is on the opened site of the fence. There are three hostages in map located in the back of the mansion. Important: Don't jump off anywhere. Use some ladder instead in the map.