A quick tutorial on .nav editing: v2.0 (these commands are for a listen server) - Start server on a custom map . - Use bot_quicksave 1 to avoid any initial analyzation problems which is the source of most analyzation crashes. - Add a bot (bot_add). - The bot will learn the map followed by a map analyzation and a server restart. - Join as a spectator and switch to free-look mode. - enter bot_nav_edit 1 (nav edit mode on; 0 for off) in console. === To select a nav area, place your crossheirs in the nav area. === To mark a nav area, select it, then enter: bot_nav_mark (in console) When an area is marked, a message appears in the bottom left side where the chat usually is letting you know how many areas that area is connected to (usefull for debugging). === To delete a nav area, select it, then enter: bot_nav_delete === To split a nav area, line up the white (split) line with where you want to split the nav area, enter: bot_nav_split === To merge two nav areas of the same width, select the nav area you want to merge to your marked nav area. enter: bot_nav_merge. A new, single nav area will be created. === To connect two nav areas, mark the nav area the bot will move from, then select the nav area the bot will mave to. enter: bot_nav_connect (NOTE: this is only a one way connection. To make it bi-directional, you must connect the nav areas bi-directionally to that nav area. A one way connection is a dark blue line and a bi-directional connection is labeled with a light blue line. A bi-directional connection may have two dark blue lines instead of a light blue line.) === To disconnect a nav area, mark the nav area you want to disconnect, select the nav area you want to disconnect it from, enter: bot_nav_disconnect This disconnects the two areas bi-directionally. === To create a new nav area, aim your crossheirs at the starting point for the nav, enter: bot_nav_begin_area. stretch out the square until the nav area is the size you want it to be, enter: bot_nav_end_area === To mark a nav area as a crouching, precise, no jumping, or jumping nav area, mark the nav area, enter: bot_nav_crouch, bot_nav_precise, bot_nav_no_jump and/or bot_nav_jump. - bot_nav_save (saves your work) A final save must have a completed bot_nav_analyzation using bot_quicksave 0. You can save a nav's place painting without having to re-analyze the map. - bot_nav_load (reverts changes since last save) - Upon completion of nav editing a map's nav, enter in console: bot_quicksave 0;bot_add; bot_nav_analyze (this command processes what you have done so far and adds all the danger, camping, encounter, & sniping spots (etc.) to your .nav. Be sure to analyze after any changes are made to the nav areas to avoid errors. -again expect a server restart upon completion. Adding places: once your nav connections are done and the map is playable, its time to add places for the bots to use their radio commands. These places, as of v1.2, are used in cz-multiplayer as a part of the new player location system. - Start at say, TSpawn - enter: bot_nav_toggle_place_mode (this switches into place naming mode) - select the area to name - enter: bot_nav_use_place TSpawn (the place is now set to TSpawn) - enter: bot_nav_toggle_place_painting (starts painting) - every area you select with your crossheirs will turn green and be set to TSpawn === green is current set place === blue has a place set already === red is unnamed place - bot_nav_toggle_place_painting (stops painting) - bot_nav_place_pick "picks up" the label of the selected place for painting. - I always save and reanalyze my map when finished painting because I always find areas that can be further tweaked, and I fix things along the way. However if you don't make any navigation edits while place painting, you need not re-analyze the map, only save the nav with bot_nav_save - hope this helps all you custom nav makers!!! Advanced techniques: === To create a new area between two existing areas, select and mark the first nav area, then select the second area and enter: bot_nav_splice This is very usefull for making inclined areas for stairs or jumping up onto boxes. === If your lines tend to go underground on un-even terain, enter: bot_nav_zdraw <#> (default is 4, try 10) ====== Since the 1.2 update you can now use bot_nav_mark and then bot_nav_corner_select to toggle between the four corners of the selected area and use either bot_nav_corner_raise X or bot_nav_corner_lower X. I believe you can select the whole area and use the raise and lower commands to move the whole area. === To test your nav editing on-the-fly, enter: bot_zombie 1;bot_add this command makes the bot stupid (doesn't move) and he will just stand there at spawn. Then mark the nav area you want to see if he can get to and enter: bot_goto_mark === To fill an area (painting) between already painted places, select an area in the place you want to fill and enter: bot_nav_place_floodfill --> "bot_nav_place_floodfill sets the place of the currently highlighted nav area and "flood fills" outward from there, setting all adjacent nav areas to that place, until it bumps into nav areas with different place labels." - Mike Booth He said it best! *** Use caution when using bot_nav_place_floodfill as you can easily fill your entire map with one place name *** It really helps to bind these commands to keys on your keyboard. I find it really simple when binding my bot_nav_area_begin and bot_nav_area_end to my left and right mouse buttons. You can then make two cfg files, one for nav editing binding all your bot_nav commands named navedit.cfg, and the other binding all your gameplay binds named gameplay.cfg. Then you can easily exec navedit.cfg or exec gameplay.cfg to easily switch between nav editing and gameplay binds. Also, I found that you can mark an area; then create an area next to it; that new area is now marked and automatically bidirectionally connected to your originally marked area. Now the currently marked area is ready to be connected to the next new area! See http://www.turtlerockstudios.com/forums/csbot/viewtopic.php?t=260 for updates to this tutorial!!! -Dead Bwoy