1. Respect your admins and the other players, if an admin asks you to do something and you ignore it, expect to get kicked, if you come back in with atitude, expect to be banned. 2. No cheating of any form. No aimbot, wall hack, speed hack, bunny or crouch walking. Anyone who is SUSPECTED of cheating may be banned. 3. Names must be 3 or more letters, pronouncable, no drug references, profanity, advertising & NOT PLAYER! 4. NO profanity, Racial, Ethnic, Religious, Sexist or Political slander - even abbreviations nor should a player allow others to do so. 5. Do YOUR OBJECTIVE! Objective based server. If you don't do objective, expect to be kicked. You can't be a team player without a mic. Please get one and use it. 6. 20 kills with less than 10 deaths = only buy pistol & ammo, BK, nades for the rest of that map. 7. Play the maps as they were intended. This includes not killing hostages, planting the bomb if you have it, rescuing the hostages, and diffusing the bomb. Maps are made with objectives. Please make an effort to complete them. 8. Camping - Tactical camping is part of playing the game. But do not waste our time by, for example, being a CT and camping spawn on a hostage map. 9. No Mic spamming or playing of music over your Mic. Your fellow players are there to play the game. 10. Friendly Fire is always on. Do not ask to have it turned off. Deliberate Team Kills and Team Attacks are bannable offenses.No Mic spamming or playing of music over your Mic. 11. U must know someone is behind wall before you can shoot. No wall spamming. U may randomly throw nades but NO random shooting. 12. U must ve thoughtful of players alive if all talk is on 13. U must have a have an approved membership in the forums to kill an LOD member. 14. Play Hard, Play Fair, Play Often, and above all, have fun!