Torero LOOCOOOOO !! - Assassination by St James ( Credits : mad_spain textures by -s2k- madness ( See readme.txt for details Game Type: SPEED STRIKE ! The Story : After being injured during a corrida, a famous torero decided to take out the outrageous bull with a double-barrel gun. Terrorists: The sons from the farmer who's bull it was are going berserk. They've armed their weapons and are going to roast the torero's balls on a stick. Counter-Terrorists: As an international figure, Miguel de San Jose de la Playa Bonita is to be extracted from his ranch in a small southern village. Escort him to the UN vehicle and prevent mad farmers to attend to his dignity. Other Notes: This is a Speed Strike level. 1. One UNIQUE escape zone 2. Best at 3v3, 10 players max 3. Round time should be 2 minutes or less 4. Only ONE Flash allowed, Smokes are FORBIDDEN 5. CT points is what count. (Press FIRE to continue)