======================= sonicadventure2_ark_v2 www.csru.ru ======================= Inspired by the cooresponding levels from Sonic Adventure 2 ======================= UPDATE: Gravity fixes for those who want to run map in deathmatch, GunGame, etc. Also changed architexture a bit. Objective: The T's have boarded this "top secret" space colony, a super-computer with matrix stuff and unusual encryptic ruins. They plan to set an explosive in a critical area, the control room or the engine room, so the colony will malfunction and fall into Earth and kill everyone. The CTs have to save the world. NOTE: Since you're in space, the gravity is lower, so you can jump farther than before. ======================= by Eric43/Phantom Full Force/daytonausafan/free_points/b (eric_4372@hotmail.com) ======================= People make custom maps, and 60% of them turn out to be crap. Well I worked numerous hours, laboring over this map trying to make it as good as possible to you, the player. If you don't like my map, then please don't whine or complain about how horrible it is, because I would feel really bad. Space Colony Ark copyright of Sega/Sonic Team =======================