xmas_rampage64_beta.bsp kratzhatz@gmail.com CS 1.6 version created by Kr@zZy AKA Vin-LTD. For more news and work visit: Vin-LTD.com YouTube.com/krazzy Twitch.TV/VinLTD "Maps + Models + Music and More!" - Vin-LTD Map objective: The monster's of the world want to destroy their captors (SCUMLABS) but first must battle each other out of primal rage for glory. It's a knife arena (KA_) map. You guys know what to do! (All buildings and most of the environment is DESTRUCTIBLE) Map origin: I decided to re-make a CS 1.6 version of rampage the arcade game. As a kid this game was amazing and in some ways can still be, even if it felt like a grind after a while. Nothing was more appealing as a child than knocking down buildings and swatting helicopters out of the sky. My map is a living homage to that game, so enjoy it this time of year! *Xmas edition* WOOT!