dmc_facedown by JMW (Justin Michael Wright) --check out for more by JMW dmc_facedown info -------------- Time took to create: 3 weeks. Time took to compile: about 10 mins. Custom anything: Theme song is original and was created for the map. Special Areas: None, what you see is what you get. Concept: I wanted to do a DMC map that didnt look like all the others. I used some textures from the wastes mod to give it a futuristic theme. I think it turned out fairly well. Feel free to shoot me an email if you have any questions. Other Maps: ms_ooga, vs_prime, vs_frost, vs_bitten, de_lunar, de_bumrush, cs_lgn. -All can be found at Stuff in the zip: maps --------- dmc_facedown.bsp this readme file env-not sure if the sky is a standard dmc I included it. Its a space theme with planets. sounds ambience ------------- dmc_face.wav - custom tune created for ambience. textures ---------- all included in the .bsp, from the dmc and wastes mod. If I used a texture from someone else's map and forgot to give credit, send me an email at and I will give credit. pre-fabs ---------- none models ---------- none Thanks to valve for the DMC mod. JMW 2004 for game audio, levels, and art.