dod_havok by 010110 This is an updated version with some player requested changes. NEW to this version: Tweaked opening credits timing. Trees cast shadows. Some entities removed. Most interior lighting increased. Allied spawn area exit now "bot-friendly". Added new cut-through into mansion. No new files added. Copy or place the folders where they indicate. __________________________________________________________________ There is no doubt that I have included files that you already have. You can overwrite or discard the files that you do not need. Be sure to always check file consistancy before you discard files. I have done this in an effort to ensure that everything is supplied that you need without encountering a nasty crash due to missing files. __________________________________________________________________ I have also included a resgen file so you can double check correct file locations if need be. Also included is some Sturmbot waypoints and learn files in case you have Sturmbot installed in your dod. Also I would like to thank the dod team for putting together some outstanding textures, models and more for the community. The map itself contains 6 flags for capture. There are weather effects in the map. If your computer is capable, type cl_particlefx 2 in console to play with the effect enabled. If you get an "overflow" error, turn the particle effects down, or off. There are four areas in the map which are targets for a bazooka. These are not essential to blow, but they open up a few alternate paths. There is a hidden sniper room. Look for an out of place texture near the "door" to the sniper room. I hope you enjoy playing on this map, I enjoyed making it for you. Any questions and/or comments can be kindly forwarded to or Mr. Binary