Guerilla War By Archer( and Jwh( July 2001 The Rebel forces have catured a nuclear warhead and are going to use it to destroy the present government. But a nearby Defender base has found out about the Nuke and will do everything in its power to stop the Rebels. Blue Force: Steal the warhead in the Isotope box charge from the evil Red Rebels and bring it to the helipad at the top of your fortress. Red Force: Infiltrate the fortress of the evil oppressors, the Blues, and plant a Claymore mine in the heavy weapons storage room(the one with the missles and barrels). Both Forces: Civil wars depend on control of the population. The force that controles the village will have more re-inforcements available to them the team that dose not. Control the town, and your team will inevitably prevail. The Warhead WILL RETURN if it's carrier is killed. Thanks to Belial, Gearbox, and ReWolf for the great textures.