// dir/o/b >materials.txt // Texture types: // 'U' NULL (No debris, No decal - just smoke), 'M' metal, 'V' ventillation, 'D' dirt, 'S' splash liquid, // 'T' tile, 'G' grate, 'W' wood, // 'P' computer, 'Y' glass, 'N' snow, (Concrete is the default), 'B' sandbag // Only the first 12 letters are used. // No more than 1024 definitions... Comment out concrete textures, then they'll use default sound // (concrete). // SANDBAG TEXTURES B aa_out_snd1 B dirt02 B out_snbag B out_snbag2 B out_snbagb B out_snbagc B out_snbag5 B nam_sndbag B ps_bel_sandbag B ps_out_snd1 B ps_out_snd3 B ps_sandbag1 B ps_sandbag1b2 B ps_sandbag1b3 B ps_sandbag1top B ps_snbagc B sandbags_side2 B sandbags_top2 B sno_snd B sno_snd_sid2 B sno_snd_top1 // DIRT TEXTURES D artraindirt D bel_floor02 D clay D cow01 D cugroundd D dirt-pebbles D dirt_grass1 D dirt_grass4_1 D dirt-grey D dirt-grey2 D dirt_pebbles D dirt04 D dirt05 D dirt06 D dirt07 D dirt1 D dirt1_grass D dirtgrass1 D dirtUgrey D dirtUgrey2 D dm_slate2 D dm_slate3 D dm_slate3a D dm_slate3b D embankment1 D embankment2 D forestgras D forestgrastrans D forestground D gras D grass_in D grass002 D grass01 D grass02 D grass03 D grass04 D grass05 D grass06 D grass07 D grass08 D grass09 D grass1 D grass1-3 D grass10 D grass11 D grass12 D grass13 D grass1U3 D grass2 D grass3 D grass4 D grass4-dirt2 D grass5 D grass5_dirt_g D grass6 D grass7 D grass7_3 D grass7_rock_g D grass7_hayg D grass7a D grass7b D grass8 D grass8_2 D grass9 D grassfrock D grassmud2 D ground_plants D ground_st D ground5 D mossyground1 D mossyground2 D mud1 D mud1grass D mud1green D mud2 D mud3 D mud4 D mud5 D mud6 D mud7dry D mud8 D mud8 D mudgrass1 D nam_canrock1 D nam_dirt1 D nam_grass1 D nam_riverbot D new_grass_big_r D out_dirtsand2 D out_dirtsand2b D out_dirtsand2c D out_dirtsand3 D out_ground4 D out_ground4 D out_road1_dur D out_sand1_dur D pebbles D pebbles1 D pebbles2 D pebbles3 D pebbles4 D pebbles5 D pebbles6 D pebbles7 D pebbles8 D pebbles9 D rc_rc_c4 D roadfrock01 D rockgrass1 D rockUgrass D rockUgrassbot D rockUgrasstop D rockygrass D sand1 D sand2 D sand3 D sand4 D smoe_grass1 D sno_snd_sid1 D sno_snd_sid2 D sno_snd_top1 D snow_camo1 D snow_camo2 D snow_camo3 D snow_camo4 D snow_camo5 D snow_ground D snow_trk_frt D softgras D suldirtstreet1 D sulrubble2 D tapestry D tapestry2 D temple41 D ub_sand1 D vol-river-bot1 D wrpgrassdirt D wrptrainsd D wrptraintrack // METAL TEXTURES M -3SILO2_WALL1 M +0LAB1_W7 M ~LAB1_COMP7B M ammo01 M ammo02 M ammo03 M ammo04 M barrel1 M barrel10U1 M barrel10U2 M barrel11U1 M barrel11U2 M barrel12U1 M barrel12U2 M barrel1U1 M barrel1U2 M barrel2 M barrel2U1 M barrel2U2 M barrel3U1 M barrel3U2 M barrel4U1 M barrel4U2 M barrel5U1 M barrel5U2 M barrel6U1 M barrel6U2 M barrel7U1 M barrel7U2 M barrel8U1 M barrel8U2 M barrel9U1 M barrel9U2 M biobarrel M BLACK M BRDLY_BACK1 M BRDLY_BTILE1 M BRDLY_FRNT1 M BRDLY_SIDE1 M c1a0b_dr4a M c1a1_bktb M C1A1_CRATE1 M c3a1_crate1 M c3al_crate2 M c3a1_crate3 M citysewers1_mx M com_logo M cont_blu_end1 M cont_blu_sid1 M cont_grn_end1 M cont_grn_sid1 M cont_yel_end1 M cont_yel_sid1 M crate_02 M crate_04 M crate_05 M crate_06 M crate1a M crate1b M crate1c M crate1d M crete3_flr04 M crete4b1 M door1 M DRKMTLT_BORD11 M dsleeper_net M DUCT_WALL03 M duct_vnt11t7 M emblem_blue M emblem_blue_sm M emblem_red M emblem_red_sm M fifties_bord03 M fiftsfile1 M fiftsfile2b M force_pipe M in_door4 M generic_034 M GENERIC_113C M generic012 M generic034 M generic034a M generic76 M generic77 M glue1 M grate01 M GWA_sign M headup_map M herc_camo M herc_camo_w M herc_camo_w2 M in_door5 M in_door7 M in_metal_rus1 M in_trans2 M in_trans3 M in_trans4 M jonm_pizflor02a M jonm_pizthng02 M jonm_pizwall01a M lab1_comp8b M lab1_comp10f M lab1_door01 M lab1_dr4c M LAB1_PANEL2 M LAB1_PANELA M LAB1_PANELB M LAB1_PANELC M LAB1_PANELD M LAB1_PANELF M LAB1_PANELI M LAB1_W8A2 M LAB3_W9 M menkey09 M metal_blu M metal_blu2 M metal_dark M metal_floor01 M metal_floor02a M metal_floor02b M metal_floor03 M metal_old M metal_rust M metal_rust2 M metal_sm M metal_trim_1 M metal1 M metal2 M metal3 M metal4 M metal5 M out_dmp4a M out_dmp4b M out_dmp4c M OUT_GAD2 M P1090096-t2 M po_cntltop M po_doormetal01 M po_garagedrmt M po_sewertop M prop1 M prop2 M prop6 M ps_arcrate5 M ps_arcrate6 M ps_arcrate7 M ps_arcrate8 M ps_out_dmp2a M ps_out_dmp2b M ps_out_dmp2c M ps_out_dmp4a M ps_out_dmp4b M ps_out_dmp4c M ps_out_dmplid M reflection M rock_fiftsfil1b M rock_fiftsfil2b M rock_fiftsfile1 M rock_fiftsfile2 M rus_ad2 M rus_bulg1 M rus_felix M rus_gerasim M rus_lef6 M rus_reich M rus_serov M rus_serov1 M rus_voin7 M russian1 M russian2 M russian3 M rust_metal_blue M rust_metal_red M rust01 M rust02 M rust03 M rust04 M scania_front M scania_side M scania_top M scania_wheel M sewergrate1_mx M sklogo M sno_trk_dr M sno_trk_in M sno_trk_misc1 M sno_trk_misc2 M sno_trk_misc3 M sno_trk_sd M sno_trk_sd2 M sno_trk_top M steeldoor1_mx M sulpipe1 M train_und2 M trk_bed M trk_bumper M trk_caback M trk_dash M trk_door M trk_fender M trk_grille M trk_hood M trk_pipe M trk_shocks M trk_side M xcrate9a M xcrate9b M xcrate9c M xcrate9d M xcrate10a M xcrate10b M xcrete10c M xcrate10d M whiteboat // SNOW TEXTURES N bel_ice5 N bel_ice8 N ice1 N ice2 N ice3 N ice4 N plSnow1_a N rock_snow4 N snow_01 N snow_02 N snow021 N snow1 N snow2 N snow3 // COMPUTER TEXTURES P radio_generic P radio_generic2 // SLOSH TEXTURES S !c2a54 S !darkwater S !poolwater S !water2a S !water2b S !waterfount S !watergreen S !waterocean_ S !waterocean3 S !waterwell S !willow S darkwater_g S scrollwater3 S toxicgrn // TILE TEXTURES T crete4_redb T fl_tile1 T fl_tile2 T floortl30_mx T floortl32_mx T force_tiles03 T i_floor1 T i_floor2 T i_ground3 T m_floor17 T m_floor8 // NULL TEXTURES U +0~fifties_lgt2 U +0~LIGHT1 U +0~tnnl_lgt4 U +a~fifties_lgt2 U +a~tnnl_lgt4 U basposter U basposter_arab1 U basposter2 U baspotrait U camo_sheet U fifties_cch1 U fifties_cch2 U fifties_cch3 U fifties_cch4 U flag_us_mx U GENERIC001 U hay1 U hay2 U haygrass1 U haygrass01 U hedge__1 U hedge__1 U hedge_g U hedge1 U hedge10 U hedge2 U hedge22 U hedge3 U hedge4 U hedge5 U hedge6 U hedge7 U hedge8 U hedge9 U Iraq7sm U ivyleaves1 U LAB1_FLR9 U leafs U leaves U leaves_ground U leaves1 U leaves3 U nam_sndbg U nam_sndbgtop U out_tnt2 U out_tnt3b U poster_iraq6 U PROP6 U ps_haybale1 U ps_haypile U ps_haystack U ps_bushg1 U roof1_a1 U roof2_a1 U rug1 U rug2 U ruga U rugb U rugc U saddam1 U saddam2 U stoneivyonly U thatchroof11 U treetops1 U treetops2 U trk_canvas U trk_seat U trk_tire U trk_tread U ukflagsm U WHITE U willow U willow1 U wrpbush // WOOD TEXTURES W {largetrees1 W arwood1 W arwood2 W arwood3 W arwood4 W arwood5 W bark W bark_lines256 w bark001 W bark1 W bark1_end W bark2 W bark3 W bark4 W bark5 W bark6 W bark6_ends W barn001 W barn1 W beam_wood1 W bel_church07 W bookcase1_1 W bookcase1 W box_supp2 W Canyon2 W churchtexture02 W cidoor1 W crate_lft W crate_rght W crate_top W crate02 W crate02b W crate03 W crate05 W crate06 W crate08 W crate09 W crate09a W crate09b W crate09c W crate09d W crate1 W CRATE10 W CRATE13 W crate1Ua W crate26 W cratebullets W cratehealth W cratesideclear W cratesidemissil W crte_apples W crte_beans W crte_peaches W crte_side W cubigdoor W cudrf W cudrh W cupboard1_1 W cuwood W cuwoodm W door_wooden W door_wooden2 W door_wooden3 W door_wooden4 W door_wooden5 W eastcratelgsd W eastcratesm W eastdoor1 W eastdoor2 W eastdoor2bas W eastwndwn1b W fa_crate_blue W fa_crate_logo W fa_crate_red W fa_crate1 W fa_crate2 W fa_crate3 W fa_crate4 W fence W fift_drtemp W fifties_dr1 W fities_dr03 W fities_dr6a2 W gate1 W gragon_logo W in_floor2 W ivy_vines W k_wood10 W k_wood8 W m_ceiling4 W m_floor7 W mill1 W mill2 W nam_crate1 W nam_crate1a W nam_crate2 W nam_crate2a W nam_shed W names1_final W names2_final W oldtree W oldtree1 W P1010296-c2 W P1030106-a2 W P1030135-2 W P1030135-6 W po_doorwood03 W po_storealcohl W po_storefood W ps_bel_crate1 W ps_bel_cratetop W ps_crate_md1 W rck_holz2 W rck_holz3 W redtreegrass W redtreegrass256 W redtreemoss W redtreemoss256 W speakers1_mx W sulcrate1 W sulcrate1-a W sulcrate1a_mx W sulcrate1b_mx W sulcrate2a_mx W sulcrate2b_mx W sulfence1 W thx_final W tornWll1_0 W tree W tree_bark_red W tree_red W tree_white W tree1 W tree2 W tree256 W treebark1 W treebirch W treeGrass1 W treeGrass256 W treeGrey W treeGrey256 W treeGreyGrass W treeGreyplain W treerings W trees W trees_bot W trees_top W treeWhite256 W vbCr1Sd W vbCr2Sd W vbRoofTile W vines W vol-roof W wall_wood1a W wd_sr_m11 W wd_sr_m14 W wd_sr_v11 W wd_st_m3 W wd_st_m4 W wd_st_m7s W wdwall256256 W wdwall64256 W wdwallwin256a W wood W wood-old W wood_2 W wood_22_g W wood_23_g W wood_roof W wood_sandblast2 W wood1 W wood10 W wood11 W wood12 W wood13 W wood14 W wood15 W wood16 W wood17 W wood18 W wood19 W wood1_in W wood2 W wood20 W wood21 W wood22 W wood23 W wood24 W wood25 W wood26 W wood27 W wood28 W wood29 W wood3 W wood30 W wood31 W wood32 W wood33 W wood34 W wood35 W wood36 W wood37 W wood38 W wood39 W wood4 W wood40 W wood41 W wood42 W wood43 W wood44 W wood45 W wood46 W wood47 W wood48 W wood49 W wood5 W wood50 W wood51 W wood6 W wood7 W wood8 W wood9 W woodceiling1 W woodUold W woodUold2 W wrpwoodfloor W x_tree W XCRATE8 W XCRATE8B W XCRATE8C // GLASS TEXTURES Y +0exit Y +0lighttube Y +0tnnlamber Y +0tnnlwhite Y +aexit Y arstainglass1 Y arstainglass2 Y arstainglass3 Y arstainglass4 Y arstainglass5 Y basraminister Y basraminister2 Y bigtv01ab_mx Y rus_window1 Y rus_window2 Y rus_window3 Y glass_bright Y glass_dark Y glass_med Y glassblue1 Y glassblue2 Y glassgreen Y lamp27_mx Y mirror1_mx Y po_tvset Y po_win2x3white Y po_win3x3blue Y po_winindus3d Y po_winindustry Y white Y whiteboat