****************************************************************************** *******************************co_collateral_v1******************************* ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ****** ****** ****** Mapper: MyOwnOwner ****** ****** E-mail: fid-rib@gmx.de (i look after this mail account ****** ****** once a month, so answers can take a while :) ****** ****** Website: //no website atm ****** ****** Final compile: 1.0 - 9th of july 2006. ****** ****** 2.0 - 12th of july 2006. ****** ****** Read the changelog for more details. ****** ****** Install: Extract all files from the ZIP into your ****** ****** half-life/ns/maps directory. ****** ****** ****** ****** File name: co_collateral_v2.zip ****** ****** contents: co_collateral_v2.bsp ****** ****** co_collateral_v2.txt ****** ****** co_collateral_v2.res ****** ****** co_collateral_v2.jpg ****** ****** ****** ****** Changelog: 1.0 - Initial map release. One custom texture ****** ****** embedded into the bsp file ****** ****** 2.0 - Fixed problem with the Elevator ****** ****** Fixed problem with the func_weldable ****** ****** ****** ****** Thanks to: At the moment: nobody... well lets just thank ****** ****** unknown worlds entertainment ****** ****** ****** ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************