=============== NS_HULK =============== ReadMe V1.3 ------------------------------------------------------- Version : beta 3 Filename: ns_hulk_b3 Author : Rendy.[CZech] ------------------------------------------------------- Duration of work : 12 months Date of Compilation : 31.10.2004 ------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: -Preview 1 [21.7.2004] -Beta 1 [15.10.2004] -Beta 2 [23.10.2004] -marinespawn fixed -vents fixed -added and fixed sounds/MP3 -fixed null textures -lighting fixies -elevator button -fixed stuck points -other small fixies -lowered gamma ramp from 1.5 to 1.3 -added info_locations -Beta 3 [31.10.2004] -gamma back to 1.5 -new weld point -solved crashing ? ------------------------------------------------------- Story: UCC Cerebus, one of the few TSA ships equipped with a hyperspace engine unit. Before her disappearance from the Sol sytem two years ago, her ongoing mission was to establish contact with new lifeforms in distant regions of the Universe. Until just a few hours ago all contact with the ship had been lost. At 23.6.2244 8:06 PM, UCC Cerebus waspicked up on radar in close proximity to Space Station Nothing. All communication attempts from the residentTSA garrison at SSN have failed. Space Station Nothing's executive TSA officer has decided to send out small Frontiersmen unit to investigate the situation. You now find yourself in the company of these men, sitting in a dropship bound for the UCC Cerebus. Peering out through a visual in the dropship a gargantuan asteroid can be seen, embedded in the hull of the seemingly lifeless ship. You glance up at the scanner readout as initial data from the ship flashes up on the screen: -REACTOR STATUS: NOMINAL- -ESCAPE POD STATUS: TOTAL DESPATCH- -HYPERDRIVE STATUS: INACTIVE; POWER AT MAXIMUM- -OXYGEN CONTENT: NORMAL- -ATMOSPHERE: BREATHABLE- -NO LIFE FORMS DETECTED ON BOARD- As you look around all you see are blank faces, masks painted from an indelible monotone palette and cut from the archetypal mould that is a Frontiersman's basic training. Their purpose is to give the impression that this is just another routine operation, but you know that behind each facade is the same cocktail of emotions that's being shaken up inside you. The anticipation, the excitement, the fear. Docking clamps awkwardly shunt into position around you jolting this tin can claustrophobia in which you've found yourself imprisoned. But it won't last long, you tell yourself as your eagerness to break the tedium rises up inside you like a bloodlust. You can almost taste the challenge that lies ahead, that which you have dreamt for for so long. As you take your first steps out onto the deck of the UCC Cerebus -adrenaline coursing through your veins- you know what it is to be a Frontiersman. Background story written by Stephen "Kobayashi" Etheridge, based on an original concept by Rudolf "Rendy" Klenovsky. ------------------------------------------------------- Locations -Dropship -Docking bay -Crew sector -Cargohold -Cargo bay -Escape pods -Asteroid Nucleus -Reactor -Hyper Engine -Armory ------------------------------------------------------- Required files: ns_hulk.wad maps\ns_hulk_b2.bsp maps\ns_hulk.txt maps\ns_hulk.res models\ns_hulk\hulk_dropship.mdl sound\ns_hulk\alarm1.waw sound\ns_hulk\button4.waw sound\ns_hulk\door_02.waw sound\ns_hulk\hearth.waw sprites\ns_hulk\hulk_join_a.spr sprites\ns_hulk\hulk_join_m.spr sprites\ns_hulk\hulk_observe.spr sprites\ns_hulk\hulk_random.spr sprites\ns_hulk\xsmoke1.spr sprites\minimaps\ns_hulk_b2.spr ------------------------------------------------------- Worldmodels credits: -myself :) -------------------------------------------------------- Textures credits: -theDuke -Jinx -ChromeAngel -------------------------------------------------------- Sounds credits: -sounds were gathered from free sources on the net -------------------------------------------------------- Style: -Classic -Medium size -Claustrophobic -------------------------------------------------------- Known bugs: -Beta 1 was crashing on some computers, I hope Beta 2 won't -------------------------------------------------------- Hardware, Software: -Athlon XP 2500+ 512RAM, GeForce4400 128MB WinXP SP1 -Valve Hammer Editor 3.5(beta) -ZHLT 1.7 p15 ---------------------------------------------------------- Compile info: CSG: -hullfile C:\nshulls.txt -texdata 5120 -cliptype precise BSP: VIS: -full RAD: -extra -sparse -chart -dscale 4 -gamma 1 -bounce 0 Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness ------------ --------------- --------------- -------- models 124/400 7936/25600 (31.0%) planes 14240/32768 284800/655360 (43.5%) vertexes 36496/65535 437952/786420 (55.7%) nodes 16382/32767 393168/786408 (50.0%) texinfos 15986/32767 639440/1310680 (48.8%) faces 27626/65535 552520/1310700 (42.2%) clipnodes 32305/32767 258440/262136 (97.0%) leaves 8169/8192 228732/229376 (99.7%) marksurfaces 35840/65535 71680/131070 (54.7%) surfedges 125765/512000 503060/2048000 (24.6%) edges 65534/256000 262136/1024000 (25.6%) texdata [variable] 10872/4194304 ( 0.3%) lightdata [variable] 3077583/6291456 (48.9%) visdata [variable] 339549/2097152 (16.2%) entdata [variable] 60621/524288 (11.6%) 247 textures referenced Compile time: 39min 59s Entity count:240 ---------------------------------------------------------- Wads in use: halflife.wad ns.wad ns2.wad ns_hulk.wad ns_bast.wad ns_nancy.wad ns_tanith.wad ---------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to: Samejima, Reese, Seraphy, TOmekki, CaptainPanaka, Thursday, Drunken Monkey, Lt.Gravity, Anomus, Mendasp, Hyperion2010, NightDragon, Olmy (EdgeCrusher), NerdIII, Diablus, mr.Headcrab, KFDM, Tim, MeanMrMustard, Moconnor, Tequila, Erias, Esuna, JezPuh, Dark Plague, Ha.ze, Belgarion, Kobayashi, Kouji-san and others... Thank you for support, feedback and constructive critics. Especially I want thank to Seraphy and Tomekki, because they helped me with the layout of the map very much. And big thanks i send to Reese, because his ultra constructive critique helped me to improve this map in the early beginning of development. 31.10.2004 17:19 (GTM +1) Chomutov, Czech Republic (c)Rudolf Klenovsky