rc_2v2 Made by Pique DopeManFunk@hotmail.com This map is meant of a game of 2 vs 2 arena style ricochet. Unfortunatly the bugs in the code at the moment are not fixed and this map does not work like it is supposed to. Hopefully someone will release a patch in the near future that fixes these issues. To install just put the ricochet.wad file in your ricochet directory and place the rc_2v2.bsp in your ricochet/maps directory. I prefer this map to be played with sv_gravity set at 1000, but i cant seem to get a config file working for some reason. If you place this map in the map cycle right after it please put sv_gravity 1000. So in the map cycle it will say rc_2v2 sv_gravity 1000. This SHOULD work but i cant test it right now. Known Bugs: This usually turns into a 1v1 with 2 others having whitedisc problems. I have an idea of what causes this but I dont know how to type it out without taking 5 pages. IF YOU SEE A CHECKERBOARD TEXTURE ANYWHERE YOU ARE NOT USING THE ENCLOSED RICOCHET.WAD FILE. THIS FILE IS FROM THE RICOCHET SITE AND DOES NOT GET RID OF ANY OTHER TEXTURES (unless you personally added some in which case you know how to fix this yourself) For some reason the powerup doesn't show up sometimes. Even though i put in a spawn point on every pad, people still spawn inside of each other. That's all I can think of at the moment, if you find anymore please feel free to email me.