MapName = "Garden Maze" Author = "James 'MamboDog' Friend (" Summary = "Knowing your way around the maze, including its teleporters and secret passages, is the key to winning in this level." Credits = "Textures - The Counter-Strike Team" Objective = "Recruitment" Text = "There are 2 scientists in this map. Kidnap an enemy scientist by hitting them with the briefcase. Take them back to the administrator, and he/she will start working for your company instead. (5 points)" Image = "si_gm_sci.tga" Objective = "Cash-Grab" Text = "Sprint to the dirt-mound in the middle of the maze and grab the bomb-rigged cash then get it back your administratior before it blows. You have 30 seconds." Image = "si_gm_cash.tga"