// New map briefing file format // si_mesa // REQUIRED // MapName // Author // Summary // Credits // // Objective - Zero to three allowed // For each, Text is required, and Image is optional // Images are loaded from si/maps/vgui/, must be TGA file, have an alpha // channel, and be smaller than 240x180. MapName = "Mesa" Author = "Permanganate (permanganate@planethalflife.com)" Summary = "It's noon on an isolated mesa where gravity control experiments are being conducted. Go around or through to get to the other corporation." Credits = "Everyone who beta tested!" Objective = "Recruitment" Image = "si_mesa_sci.tga" Text = "There are 6 scientists in this map. Kidnap an enemy scientist by hitting them with the briefcase. Take them back to the administrator, and he/she will start working for your company instead. (5 points)" Objective = "Sabotage" Image = "si_mesa_gyro.tga" Text = "The gyro control computer at the front of the labs can be broken. The total cost each time it's destroyed is ~$30k and 5 scientist-minutes. (3 points)"