==================================================== "Particle Accelerator" by w00tles (w00tles@w00tles.demon.co.uk) ==================================================== ----Background---------------------------------------------------------- Several hours ago, an AFD mob stormed MCL's primary subatomic research facility. Taking over one end of the accelerator, AFD began disrupting MCL's research. The companies are now in a state of corporate war. ----Objectives---------------------------------------------------------- RECRUITMENT - There are 6 scientists in this map. Kidnap an enemy scientist by hitting them with the briefcase. Take them back to the administrator, and he/she will start working for your company instead. (5 points) ESPIONAGE - Steal the Test Specimen from the enemy's particle accelerator, and return it your administrator for a 3 minute research boost. (3 points) RESOURCES - Someone very important left the facility upon AFD's arrival; it seems that in their haste they left their money behind. Collect it from the top of the middle wall, and return it to your administrator for a $5000 cash boost. (1 point)