MapName = "Replicant" Author = "Cadaver (" Summary = "In the near future, two corporations are embroiled in a bitter feud over patents to proprietary cloning and nanotechnology processes. This is no job for lawyers, however - it's time to put those implants to use and enter the fray." Credits = "Textures by Cadaver, Chaos, unknown texture artists London sky by Marc Schroeder aka Term. Spawn vortex texture by Rewolf Software, inspired by the HLDM map Odyssey, by Peter Manson." Objective = "Sabotage" Text = "There are 3 terminals in the computer room across the street from the main building. Destroy these computers to give your opponents a cash-flow problem." Image = "si_replicant_computers.tga" Objective = "Recruitment" Text = "There are 6 scientists in this map. Kidnap an enemy scientist by hitting them with the briefcase. Take them back to the administrator, and he/she will start working for your company instead." Image = "si_replicant_labs.tga"