MapName = "Retrovirus" Author = "Cadaver (" Summary = "The companies MCL and AFD have fought their way to this battle, opening a new hospital which will give employees Implants, making them harder, better, faster, stonger... both companies want the best technology to succeed, but who will triumph?" Credits = "Virus texture set by Cadaver. All models by third nipple of fury. Ambulance texture based on an original van texture by 3DMike. Ambulance prefab by 3DMike ( Additional textures by Chaos, JoeSmoe, Relic25 and unknown texture artists." Objective = "Recruitment" Text = "There are 6 scientists in this map. Kidnap an enemy scientist by hitting them with the briefcase. Take them back to the administrator, and he/she will start working for your company instead." Image = "si_retrovirus_labs.tga"