======================================================== The Robotics Lab by Corporate Warfare (skarsten@optonline.net/doomtrooper@planetquake.com) ======================================================== ----Objectives---------------------------------------------------------- RECRUITMENT - There are 6 scientists in this map. Kidnap an enemy scientist by hitting them with the briefcase. Take them back to the administrator, and he/she will start working for your company instead. (5 points) ESPIONAGE - In the computer lab, protected by a laser lock, is a CD that stores your competitor's top-secret Artificial Intelligence research. Find a way to disable the lock and 'liberate' the disc for your own purposes. (4 points) SABOTAGE - The vending machines in the lobby have been armor-plated and are immune to gunfire... but the ones in the lab enjoy no such protection. In addition, the three computers in the grid-protected lab are breakable, as is the microwave at the snack station. ----Tips---------------------------------------------------------------- The rear entry to the lab is only accessable from the inside keypad. This makes for a quick escape out of the lab, but beware hordes of angry security guards coming from the lobby to cut you off in the midfield. The lab is ventilated by a small airduct which can be broken for quick, one-way entry. Grenades banked around corners can have unexpected benefits. ----Known Bugs---------------------------------------------------------- It's possible to throw off an elevator's sync by triggering it while it's in motion (from the upper floor as someone calls it to the lower, for example.) The way to reset one is to push the lower floor button, then stand under the elevator. Let it bounce off your head, then kill yourself. If someone knows of a simple way to disable a button when triggering another to prevent this, drop me a line.