==================================================== "Christmas 3" by Electric-Gerbil (electric.gerbil@planethalflife.com) ==================================================== ~**~ Merry Christmas! ~**~ ----Objectives---------------------------------------------------------- RECRUITMENT - There are 6 scientists in this map. Kidnap an enemy scientist by hitting them with the briefcase. Take them back to the administrator, and he/she will start working for your company instead. (5 points) ESPIONAGE - Steal the christmas present under the enemy christmas tree in their labs and return it to your administrator to make your scientists more happy in their work. (3 points) COLLECTION - The christmas tree in the center of the map has two presents underneath it. Bring one of these back to your administrator to make him think more of you. (2 points) ----Credits------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Crinity for the skymap, and Third Nipple of Fury for the christmas tree model.