This map was created by Iceshaft ( in your computer go to your svencoop maps folder. place all the files in the maps folder (in the zip) the svencoop maps folder. (c:\sierra\half-life\svencoop\maps) now go to your svencoop models folder. create a new folder, and name it loz. place everything in the models folder (zip) into the newly created loz folder. (c:\sierra\half-life\svencoop\models) (c:\sierra\half-life\svencoop\models\loz) (after new folder) go to your svencoop sound folder. create a new folder. name it loz. place all of the files in the music folder (zip) into the newly created folder. (c:\sierra\half-life\svencoop\sound) (c:\sierra\half-life\svencoop\sound\loz) (after new folder) go to you svencoop folder. place ZELDA.wad in here. OPTIONAL go to your svencoop models player folder. create a new folder. name it zelda2. place the zelda2.mdl in the new folder (its inside the player folder [zip]) (c:\sierra\half-life\svencoop\models\player) (c:\sierra\half-life\svencoop\models\player\zelda2) (after new folder) go to your svencoop models player folder. create a new folder. name it link. place the link.mdl in the new folder (its inside the player folder [zip]) (c:\sierra\half-life\svencoop\models\player) (c:\sierra\half-life\svencoop\models\player\link) (after new folder)