Map: Barney's Beach -A conversion of my popular War in Europe map, wie_utah-beach.- Author: Rob, aka [Barney]_Mouge Compile time: 5 hours Extra notes: nothing Hints: Mortars hit randomly on the beach itself, once you get over the big rolling hill, you are safe. There are mines all over the beach in front of the grunts base. Be CAREFUL! Go up a ridge behind their base, and duck into a small opening. Look along the wall until you see a vent, go down and you'll drop into a room with ALOT of supplys and a scientist. there is a radio in there which will call in Aistrikes against the grunts! Use it with 'e' or your normal 'use' key. *As much as you want to, DO NOT kill the scientist, he will refill your health when you are injured badly, back to 100%...he is very useful ;)* -[Barney]_Mouge