================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION ================================================================ Title : Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Large Version Filename : Between_Elvis_lg.bsp Game : Half-Life Type/Mod : Svencoop Author : Elvis Other Levels by Author : Operation Retribution V2 Email Address : newandimprovedelvis@hotmail.com Homepage : www.pajeh.plus.com/opr Additional Credits To : The Svencoop team for a great mod, Craig Londale for the origonal Horde Map, Everyone who helped playtest the map, and everyone who criticised it and so helped make it better. ================================================================ DESCRIPTION ================================================================ For 6+ players Black Mesa 2 Days after the dimensional Breach You and a team of scientists and security personel are holed up in a portion of the Black Mesa Complex, trying to make a last stand against the onrushing hordes of Xen Creatures as well as the black ops troopers trying to clean everything up. As well as the hordes of hostiles you will face you may meet other security personel who will give you a hand, and maybe some scientists who can give you access to more weaponry (if you can keep them alive) Your task is to hold out and try and survive the onslaught,until help can arrive. -- This map is a basic defense mission, you must hold off the enemies until rescue can arrive, as time goes by allies may appear. Keeping your allies alive will aid you in various ways, the security guards lend you additional firepower and the scientists can open the weapons crates to improve your arsenal. Play tips FIrstly dont play with too few people! this map is designed for 6+ players, playing with 4 or less will result in your being overrun and killed, lots if you want to play with fewer players use the other version of the map Between_Elvis.bsp which is designed for 3-6 players Secondly keep moving round your spawn area, clearing out enemies its very easy to neglect one area and allow it to become overrun. If this happens recovering the area will be very difficult. Thirdly Keep your allies alive! all the AI Allies are useful in various ways - guards give you cover fire and scientists can heal you up instantly, as well as unlocking more advanced weapons. Also be sure to keep your teammates health up 2 players working together will last a lot longer and be able to keep a larger area secure than 2 players working independantly. ================================================================ CONSTRUCTION ================================================================ Base : New Level from scratch, some entity work inspired by Horde Editor(s) Used : Worldcraft 3.3 Build Time : about 2 weeks Compile Machine : PIV 2.6Ghz, 1Gb Ram Compile Time : about 1 hour ================================================================ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ================================================================ n/a ================================================================ COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS ================================================================ Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.