Black-Facility2 - pre-final Version(need betatesting) A map for Sven Coop Made by: AGAMEMNON ( Suitable for 2-5 players MAP DESCRIPTION The sequel continues... Here is BlackFacility2 MAP INFORMATION Editors used: Worldcraft 3.3 New textures: no New sky: no New sounds: Yes, Matrix-Soundtrack New models: Yes, A Kaktus!!! Yeah! ----------------------------------- Known problems: - Seldom elevator doesn't work, if object blocks it. - Nearly everytime the turrets are not all shutting down. Help me! Compile Time: approximately 7 minutes Compile Machine: P4 2,4 Ghz 256Mb RAM MISSION OBJECIVE: Now you are returning to BlackFacility. Now on side of the military guys. Follow your orders and infiltrate the BlackFacility main complex, and shut it down at last... But there's one weak point in the battle-plan against the aliens. -Watch out for secrets! (1 hidden)