Delta Return Beta 1.0 Made By The-Real-Game -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks very much for downloading my latest map. I made this after I saw Coronas very helpful criticism. This inspired me to make a sequel to the original DeltaR which would be far greater. By the looks of it I think I've succeeded. Hope You enjoy the map as much as I did making it! Detail Stuff ========== Map Name: Delta Return Bsp Name: deltareturn.bsp Game Type: Half-Life: Sven-Coop Author: The-Real-Game E-Mail: Website: Build Time: Roughly 1 Month And 10 days Compile Time: 2858.26 Seconds (47 minutes, 38 Seconds) Story ===== It's been five long years since the Delta Research Facility incident, in which you obliterated the original facility. We had yet to hear anymore from the facility until now. As you will know a few days ago there was a security breach at our research plant, in which one of the leaders of our main *Classified* project was abducted. Well we've now traced the abductors, it appears they're from the Delta Research Facility. It seems the facility has now been rebuilt; they have received funding from an unknown source, which we are in the process of tracking down. Your mission is to infiltrate the facility once again and rescue our project leader. Be warned that the base is strongly guarded by soldiers and a variety of other creatures. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Textures : Thanks To Blazeer For His Awesome textures, get them here : Most of the other textures were from poke646, but I also saw them in action half life, so I'll give credit to both of these great mods. A major thanks to Corona for his very helpful criticism, which helped me to make the map what it is!! You should take his criticism as a complement!! Here's his site : A big thanks to Dan200 and Dudda for there helpful feedback and play testing of the map. Visit Their Site : Additional thanks to : BMTWigzta, FreakingNeo, Turrican, CreepingDeath And Xterminate. xKinetiCx for the HMMWV prefab. And of course cheers to the whole Sven Coop Team for their awesome mod. "We're not worthy!!!!" and so forth...