/\ /\ Surface Ex-Tension / \/ - By DAN200 ========== Hi, and thanks for playing Surface Ex-Tension, the second released map by me, DAN200. This map didn’t take anything like as long to make as G-Man Towers did, but it’s still been a coming while due to the hours and hours i wasted on the now-cancelled Bodyguards. However, I have really, really, really enjoyed making this map, and (warning: cliché ahead) I hope you enjoy playing it too! :) So Anywho where was I? Oh yes, the pointless stats... Statistics ========== Map Name: Surface Ex-Tension Game Type: Half-Life: Sven-Coop Author: DAN200 E-Mail: DAN200__@Hotmail.com Website: http://www.houndeye.co.uk Build Time: 1 month and 4 days Compile Time: 58 minutes and 56 seconds on an Athlon XP 1600+ R-Speeds: Under 600 in most areas, it peaks to 800 at the second spawn point. Story ========== Still with us? Good. Now here’s the story, taken straight from the Message of the Day itself, have fun... TIME: Lambda Incident + 12 hours In a bid to escape the Black Mesa Research Facility and counter the alien threat, former co-workers of the Facility must work together if they want to stay alive. Survival is only an option to those prepared to put aside their differences and fight as one. As a team of Security Workers and science personnel, you have so far managed to escape the lower lab levels of the facility and have reached the surface, unfortunately, so have the military forces sent in to clean up the area. Your goal is to navigate the various topside complexes and make your way to the underground Rail system leading to the Lambda reactor complex, where you should be able to find shelter. Resistance is high, so be on the lookout for Aliens, Soldiers and the rumoured Black Operatives that are said to be patrolling these areas. Credits ========== Map by DAN200 Contact me on DAN200__@Hotmail.com Or visit http://www.creepsworld.com/dan200/ Enjoy the map! ========== This map and its contents are copyright Daniel Ratcliffe. Do not distribute this file outside of the main SvenCo-op install program. If you wish to place this map on any tangible media (such as Magazine Cover Disks) I would appreciate if I could be notified. ========== I said enjoy the map dammit!!