Welcome to Fail Mountain By Adam "Adambean" Reece Version: Final, 10th January 2012 More information about this map including reviews, screenshots, ratings, and comments are available at the Sven Co-op maps database: http://www.scmapdb.com/map:fail-mountain A lot of work goes in to producing a map and it's content. Please do not steal content from this map without permission from the original creator. If you ask nicely we normally say yes :) .: Description :. Yes I like omg 2 a lot. If you play this map you will see that. This map is kind of like it, but more orientated to my likings. This was meant to be a piss-about type map, but I ended up adding various puzzles/challenges to unlock more secrets and bonuses. You have to do the puzzles in order. Feel free to just piss about and die a lot if you like. There is no ending, you just have to keep DYING until the time runs out. You will know when you've reached the awesome people only room though. This map was started out of complete boredom and a desire to practise my mapping skills. Starting hint: look the other side of the pond from where you start for a special item, then check out the two places that the item lets you get to. .: Server administrators :. You can teleport or no-clip to co-ordinates "0 0 -2048" to reach some controls can only be reached by using such a plug-in or cheat to do so. You can find it easily by no-clipping down directly from the fail cave. If you do decide to use no-clipping mode you must also use non-solid mode, as there is an invisible trigger around the room that takes you back to the duckroll cage. .: Credits :. Map created by Adam "Adambean" Reece http://www.reece-eu.net/adam.php Thanks to Multiplay's Sven Co-op community for supporting this map http://sc.multiplay.co.uk/ Puchi for helping me out with various entities Silencer and Vluzacn for their combined ZLHT improvements BMT for some crazy weed-scrambled ideas, and the fish music (EVEN THOUGH HE STOLE IT HIMSELF WHAT A DICK LOL) Most of the music came from these maps by Turrican (mega thank you) omg2beta2; secretcity2; secretcity4beta; secretcity5beta Also thanks to CryoKeen for letting me use music from his new map too keenbday_part1 "Those Mountains Again" sky map by Chalupamonk at Atmosphere http://www.planethalflife.com/atmosphere/ The Wad Father for supplying the ruins/temple style textures http://www.planethalflife.com/wadfather/ The following models came from http://thedoenerking.myexp.de/ Unfortunately the website is no longer up bush; tree; tree4 The following people for their time helping me test this map: (in order of who played the map first) * Liv3d * RetroFish (fuk yea, seaking!) * Decca * Dynamite * amnizu * Rich-Kane * Leiche * bluefire40 * BMT * z4nd * erska * Sedien * Mushroom * Zombiner * Wolf-3D * StreamFox * JaF .: Known issues :. This map requires Sven Co-op 4.6 or later to run because it uses some new entity features from it. You may experience low/choppy FPS while standing on the ice tower while looking back at the mountain. This never happened on Sven Co-op 3 with default graphics settings, I'm convinced it's a high-quality graphics settings/models shipped with Sven Co-op 4 causing this. Please let me know if you find out what it is. Please use this thread to report new bugs: http://www.svencoop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36769 .: Change log :. Beta 1 (19th May, 2009) * N/A (first public release) Adam's 22nd birthday :D Beta 2 (4th June, 2009) General * Added administrator control room only accessible via the no-clip cheat or a teleportation plug-in (co-ordinates 0 0 -2048) * Added take sprite over the 2 hookshots near the start * Added two rocks near the spawn area to provide some cover from a player spawn killing with a laser gun * All damage values tweaked to guarantee death when required * Desert teleporter now says blast instead of destroy, to hopefully stop players trying to crowbar it all the time * Fixed clipping problems on the desks in the two towers * Laser guns now move slower and fire less frequently to help lower repeated spawn killing * Mini-turrets in the two towers and cave control rooms are now enemy class, usable from the administrator room, regenerate health, and away from the windows to minimize firing through them * Puchi teleporter trap now lasts 8 seconds instead of 5 seconds * Water and lava is now less transparent as I decided it was unrealistic to be so clear * Zillions of other tiny tweaks nobody would notice Puzzle 1 * Swapped the M16 at the end for 2 batteries to free up 4 more model slots, and the batteries will be more useful Puzzle 2 * Moving platforms now move 50% faster Puzzle 3 * Added sprites to inform players that bubble jets provide air Puzzle 4 * Ice is more transparent, as it's only ice... not rocks * Moved explosives sign nearer the blastable ice wall to provide a more clear hint and prevent bouncing back into the ice jets Puzzle 5 * Added some sort of clue to the valid path in the quicksand area * Quicksand area is no longer straight to prevent a single long jump to bypass it * Raised a clipping brush at the bottom of the slope to help prevent fall deaths when sliding into a pit * Raised a clipping brush in the quicksand area as it was below the sand line, creating a water splash when walked on * Sky area is larger to allow higher jumping Puzzle 6 * Added display to show which crystals have been found * Altered the glow colour of fake crystals to make them more distinguishable from real crystals * Informed players that they need to get to the end of the maze after finding all the crystals * Nombles now move around quieter by 50% and faster by 50% Beta 3 (8th September, 2010) General * Added duckroll teleporter around the administrator room -- you must use co-ordinates teleporting to get there, or a certain combination of regular cheats * Added some extra detail here and there * All custom textures now embedded into the BSP * Compiled map with Vluzacn's ZHLT v17 (custom x64 build) * Default visibility distance increased from 8,192 to 12,288 units * Doors to puzzle 1 replaced for breakable netting -- still requires the button though * Fixed all the crates and palettes being so unbelievably massive in the storage cage * Fixed the explosion to enter puzzle 4 being invisible/silent * Laser guns turn at less than half the speed they did before * Moved the spawn protection rocks closer to the hut for better defence * Removed the boring steps to climb right at the start ... with some slightly less boring ones * Ropes and platforms up the ice tower adjusted * Updated entities to use various 4.5 game features * Windows in the 3 towers are now segmented to prevent crushing the turret inside * Zillions of other tiny tweaks nobody would notice Puzzle 2 * Fixed the lava falls sometimes disappearing * Removed the breakable wall infront of the keycard because hardly anyone could find it Puzzle 4 * Added a glowing light from the Blue Fire item to provide more visual hint of its' presense * Fixed grenades falling under the ice tiles -- they will only land on the snow now Puzzle 5 * Added 2 walls to stop players long-jumping across with the XP mod * Added some hint as to where the floor crush traps are * Blade moves 50% faster * Lighting tweaked in the quicksand area * Trap doors now have some visibility while idle Puzzle 6 * Added some hint as to where the floor duckroll traps are * Added something else ;) * Moved some of the blockage bars around, added some new annoying ones too Final (10th January, 2012) General * Changed a colossal amount of unseen textures for null to improve rendering speed, even if just a little bit * Changed ambience audible distance, added some new ambient sounds * Changed light sprite pointing at the puzzle funny to glow instead of blob * Changed message appearence and position, some no longer spam your console * Changed starting equipment (9mm pistol instead of 357 magnum, 0% battery instead of 25% battery) * Compiled map with Vluzacn's ZHLT v23 (custom build) -- clipping will probably be worse than before * Re-designed lava and water appearence * Tweaked maximum viewable distance * Zillions of other tiny tweaks nobody would notice Puzzle 1 * Teleporter platform height reduced so you don't have to jump up to them now ... all two of them Puzzle 2 * Added more steam/smoke effects * Fixed key card from disappearing inside a wall due to new default item dimensions for SC 4.6 * Fixed lava falls from rendering behind the lava pool below * Removed the two medkits Puzzle 3 * Bubble jets recover HP from drowning in bigger chunks * Gate 5 now closes in 30 seconds instead of 25 seconds Puzzle 4 * Ice blasters now do 99 HP/hit instead of 95 HP/hit damage * Ice breakables are now weaker * Gate now closes in 45 seconds instead of 1 minute * Player shown a message they have 45 seconds to get through the gate when it opens Puzzle 5 * Made the clue as to where soft quicksand is more obvious, as too many players still couldn't see it * Made the puzzle 6 unlock button a bit more obvious, but now must be shot instead of used Puzzle 6 * Ambient sounds are now audible further to help distract from the nomble movement sounds * Fiddled with the blockage bars again .: Thanks :. Thank you for downloading and playing this map, I hope you enjoy playing this map as much as I did creating it. Adam Reece [adam@reece.myzen.co.uk]